It’s nearing the end of a shift at 15 Division when a routine grow op bust leads to the discovery of a body. While Swarek, Oliver, Chris and Dov manage to escape work just in time, Andy, Chloe, Nick, Gail and Traci are roped into working overtime with the next platoon. Together they help manage what has become a rather unusual murder case and Traci’s first solo homicide case. In the meantime, Swarek, Oliver, Chris and Dov head off to Oliver’s new cabin in the woods for a day of generator repair and male bonding. While Traci bumps heads with Steve on the murder case, Andy accompanies Gail to the hospital for an injury caused in the grow op. Both Andy and Swarek have something to confess, but it might be too little too late for both of them. 2013 Rookie Blue Four Inc