The Cabal launch Lazarus, a biological weapon designed to make Abnormals attack humans, in the Yukon/Alaska border. John Druitt makes an unwelcome return to the Sanctuary as he, too, sees the significance of the situation. We meet the leader of the UK Sanctuary, Sir James Watson (Peter Wingfield), a member of «The Five» whose gift is great intelligence and reasoning ability. Watson does not have the longevity of the others, but has created an exoskeleton to keep him young. He contacts Helen and confirms John’s story about the Cabal. Suddenly, «Bigfoot» gets infected and has to be kept in confinement. The only way to create a vaccine to stop the Cabal is to retrieve a vial of pure Vampire blood, stored against dire emergencies in the lost city of Bhalasaam in the Indian Himalayas. In order to regroup «The Five» to get the vial, they contact Clara Griffin, granddaughter of the late Nigel Griffin; she has inherited his invisibility skills…