Helen Magnus (AMANDA TAPPING) will do anything to keep the new Abnormal Homeland from turning into the next Warsaw Ghetto. With Bigfoot (CHRISTOPHER HEYERDAHL) gone to work with Caleb (GIL BELLOWS) and Will (ROBIN DUNNE) pressed into service with the enemy agency SCIU, Magnus relies on Henry (RYAN ROBBINS) and Tesla (JONATHON YOUNG). Working in the Sanctuary lab, Henry and Tesla make a horrifying discovery. While Tesla was secretly working on his own personal projects at SCIU, they were watching him closely. After they fired him, they took his work and turned it into something it was never intended to be…the ultimate weapon. Together Henry and Tesla race to find a way to disable the machine before it can be used against innocent Abnormals. Meanwhile in the fenced-in Homeland, Bigfoot and Kate (AGAM DARSHI) risk everything to learn the truth behind Caleb’s rise. At SCIU, Greg Addison (BRIAN MARKINSON) discovers that there are plans at work far above his head…